Morning After Pill
The morning-after pill, also known as an emergency hormonal contraceptive pill, can be taken
EPS Nomination
The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is an NHS service that allows your Doctor Surgery
Repeat Prescriptions
If you take regular medications, our repeat prescription service is designed to help you better manage
Supervised Consumption
Supervised consumption is an NHS service that is used in certain conditions to ensure that patients
Repeat Dispensing
Repeat dispensing allows prescribers to issue a batch of prescriptions for a medication which needs
New Medicine Service
The New Medicine Service (NMS) is a free NHS service that provides support for people
Flu Vaccination
Protect yourself and your loved ones this winter season against flu with our private and NHS flu jab and NHS flu jab and NHS flu jaband NHS flu jab
Disposal Of Unwanted Medicines
If you have unused/expired prescription medicines or medicines that you bought over the counter
Stop Smoking Service
If you have decided to quit smoking and looking for someone to help you on this journey
NHS Free Flu Vaccination
Protect yourself and your loved ones this winter season against flu with our private and nhs flu jab services.